3 Simple Ways to Network Like A Pro in Kelowna


3 Simple Ways to Network Like A Pro in Kelowna

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I’m sure we don’t need to already tell you this, but we will anyway. Networking is necessary for business growth. There, we said it! By meeting other people, you’re giving yourself the chance to increase your customer base or even set up new job potential. There are so many ways to meet other business professionals in your industry and if you’re looking to climb up the ladder, then you need to play the networking game.

1. Hit Up Local Business Events

It’s hard to say if anyone actually likes mingling at business events but we can’t deny that some people are really, really good at it. Regardless, learning how to network properly is crucial to creating a memorable impression, meeting other like-minded professionals who could act as mentors, and putting your business name out there so it has the chance to grow. Networking can be torture for both shy and confident people, but take a deep breath, put on your best outfit, and dive right in. You won’t regret it.

2. Learn How To Network Online

Even networking is going digital! Do you have an Instagram account? If not, then take a break from reading this and go set up an Instagram profile. Have you done it? Good. Instagram is becoming one of the most powerful online networking tools in existence. The platform is a way for businesses to be involved in the buyer’s journey on a personal level. You can engage with consumers and other industry professionals through comments, likes, and tags, increasing the chance that they’ll engage right back with you. You can set up meetings, invite people to come and try out your service, compliment other professionals, and best of all you can do it all online. You just need to put in some effort!

3. Always “Live Your Brand”

You should never not be networking. Out for dinner? You’re the face of your company so make sure to wear it proud! At a local coffee shop? Ask if you can leave them some business cards for display. Chatting with a friend over drinks? Brag a little about your business and why it’s working out so well. If you want your business to grow, you need to talk and show it off. Word of mouth will always be a great marketing tool and you have the power to engage!

Networking can be a little intimidating but it certainly doesn’t have to be hard. By following these 3 simple networking rules, you might be surprised as to how much it helps your company succeed. Renting office space with the DBC allows professionals to easily network with others in the building. Read all about the glorious benefits of renting downtown office space in one of our blog posts.


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